Friday, July 31, 2009

Baptisms, Zone Conference and a Fireside

We have had a very busy week complete with a visit with our Mission President, a zone conference, two baptisms and a missionary fireside for the District here. In between, we managed to finally get one of our own members off on his mission leaving for the MTC in Auckland.

President and Sister Ostler arrived Saturday morning for a 'short' visit this time meaning there would be no activity day with the missionaries like our picnic at their last visit. They arrived just in time for a baptism shown nearby. The young man was taught by one of the sister's companionships, Sisters Seiko and Manoi. He shared his testimony at the end of the service. Articulate and firm in his belief. He will stay in the area and will be a great addition to his branch here.

Monday afternoon while President and Sister Ostler were doing interviews with the missionaries, a call finally came that tickets were being booked for Elder Seiko, leaving from our District and coming here to serve. He received his call several weeks ago and was scheduled to enter the MTC in Auckland this week, but somehow the itinerary for travel never came through. I had raised the question again a couple weeks ago and finally the response which was two choices: leave the next morning at 11a or wait two days and miss the first day of training in the MTC. His enthusiastic, TOMORROW meant a setting apart that evening, quick packing and he was off. I couldn't help reflect how different things are in the US where departures are known weeks in advance and parting missionaries speak in sacrament services just before leaving. Elder Seiko will be a great Elder. His family has roots back a long way in this area. His father has been the District President and his sister is serving here already. A younger brother just received the Melchizedek Priesthood and will depart while his two older siblings are still serving.

Sunday morning we were up early for a drive to Tontouta, 45 minutes away, for Church services and another baptism. This sister has been attending Church for a long time and felt the time had arrived to join the Church. This time the ordinance was performed by the Branch President. We were delighted to see some of the training we have been doing taking effect. The Ward Mission Leader conducted the service. A great day and then we were headed back to Noumea for the Missionary Fireside.

The Fireside was a musical presentation accompanied by projections for the attendees. Depicted in music and picture was the restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the prophet, Joseph Smith, the coming forth of the Book of Mormon, and the restoration of the Priesthood. All the music was tied together via narration. The missionaries sang a good deal of it in chorus joined by a District Choir of members. Since it took place in the chapel, we could not record it. But we asked the missionaries to re-perform two numbers just prior to lunch during zone conference the following Tuesday which are presented for you nearby. The clips are rather long and in French, of course, but we hope you enjoy them. Sister Mautz is particularly partial to the Elders' number. there is something about clean, worthy young men joining voices together in song that delivers strong testimony of the truthfulness of their message. Attendance at the evening's performance was good with many favorable comments from those visiting the Church for the first time as well as those invited to come back.

Our Zone Conference was the final event of the Ostlers' stay with us. We were instructed by them and our zone leaders. the emerging theme centered on obedience to the Savior's will that invites His Spirit to guide and direct our actions. That obedience born of gratitude for his atoning sacrifice. Some of us get to be too rule-driven, others a little relaxed. Keeping our love for our Savior at the center balances that as we serve others. We were grateful to have been there.

The Ostlers have just finished the first of a 3-year assignment as President of the Fiji-Suva Mission. The breadth of the assignment is staggering working in 3 countries, four languages and with 120 missionaries. Some can only be reached by boat. In addition he has 3 districts to oversee as well as another to run directly as the district president himself. Flew 50K miles his first year. Travel here is many times difficult with canceled or delayed flights. When that happens you wait inconveniently or get re-routed through 'nearby' places like Australia or NZ easily adding a day or two more to a busy itinerary. However, what stands out in their minds 'the Atonement is real. As I have met with investigators, members and missionaries, I have witnessed its reality.'

These last two weeks, our missionaries have been without any mail other than the internet. No packages, no letters from friends etc. We have no idea what caused the blockage, but finally things came through this week. Letters for just about everybody. We understand there are yet to be packages to be picked up, but those had also been trapped in the backlog and will take a little time yet to arrive.

We are grateful to be here serving with fine young men and women. next week we will send one of our sister missionaries home and welcome another. Many trips to the airport, good-byes and welcomes.


Jeff Leavitt said...

I'm crying after listening to the sisters song and I don't even speak French, except a litte tiny bit. I'm partial to the sisters singing, wish I could've heard Mindy playing the violin as well. Sister Carter accompanying them on the piano was lovely. Thanks for sharing the mission moments with us, music has always been a part of our family life. Keep up the great work!


Kristie said...

thank you for posting this! It was so fun to hear the music. My husband and I both sing, but none of our children have taken an interest in it. We were very pleased that you encouraged Elder Winget to sing in the trio. It seems like missions bring out many hidden talents, including music talent! Thanks again! Our family loves your blog!

Jill said...

Wonderful letter! Beautiful music. So touching. I feel that all these missionaries are blessed to have your leadership and love.